The Golden Role-Play Wiki


Tianna Patterson is a tall, lanky girl with bright blonde hair in a short bob and pale white skin. Her dark brown eyes stands out from her freckle-covered skin.

Tianna has a bad sense of understanding social situations but can get by rather easily.She has an odd sense of humour which she doesn't miss an opportunity to bring up.



Tianna was addmitted to the specialised detention centre in New Ireland after an incident when she was young. One day when she was playing with an older cousin by throwing a ball around, she hit the ball and it flew towards her cousin at amazing speeds; this caused the ball to fly towards their leg and tear it clean off, leaving a burnt stub and a small, burning crater in the ground.




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Effect Adjustment - Tianna is able to change the effects and factors of many things through the use of "tags" that she applies.

Temporary Non-corporeal Form - Tianna can speed up her mind so that she enters a state of incorporeality. She uses this form to apply the tags which she uses to umbue her effects with.
